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Woomi Phillips receives check from Connie Knain, president of Beta Chapter. |
Monday, October 10, 2011
Early Educators Award
Food, Land, and People
Ginger Deitz gave an inspiring presentation on Food, Land, and People, an educational program sponsored by North Dakota Farm Bureau, Agriculture in the Classroom (USDA) and Newspapers in Education (The Forum).
The Land Connects Us: The Resources We Share provides the overall theme for discussion, activities, and lessons. Based on agriculture, this program integrates history, culture, science and life skills.
For information and resources go to:
What's happening in North Dakota: http://ndfoodlandpeople.ning.com/
A Weekly Public Television Series Celebrating our Nation's Agriculture http://www.americasheartland.org/
The Land Connects Us: The Resources We Share provides the overall theme for discussion, activities, and lessons. Based on agriculture, this program integrates history, culture, science and life skills.
For information and resources go to:
What's happening in North Dakota: http://ndfoodlandpeople.ning.com/
A Weekly Public Television Series Celebrating our Nation's Agriculture http://www.americasheartland.org/
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Award Winning Beta Members
Congratulations to these two Beta members on their achievement.
Anita Welch received $2000 Lucile Cornetet Professional Development Award for presentation of STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) research at the International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY) in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 October 2011. The presentation and associated paper is titled "A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Technology-Rich Outcomes-Focused Learning Environment Inventory (TROFLEI)." Welch is first author on the paper, a collaborative project with professors from North Dakota State University and Turkey. In addition to presenting at the conference, she will attend numerous sessions related to education and will have the opportunity to form new partnerships with faculty from around the world.
Mari Borr, assistant professor in the School of Education, was named the 2011 Outstanding North Dakota Career and Technical Educator by the North Dakota Career and Technical Education instructors and directors. Borr was recognized during the group’s 41st annual professional development conference Aug. 8-10 in Bismarck, N.D.
Anita Welch received $2000 Lucile Cornetet Professional Development Award for presentation of STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) research at the International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY) in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 October 2011. The presentation and associated paper is titled "A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Technology-Rich Outcomes-Focused Learning Environment Inventory (TROFLEI)." Welch is first author on the paper, a collaborative project with professors from North Dakota State University and Turkey. In addition to presenting at the conference, she will attend numerous sessions related to education and will have the opportunity to form new partnerships with faculty from around the world.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Kegel Award Winner
In May Beta Chapter awarded the David Kegel Music Grant to Carli Carrier. She expressed her appreciation in a recent thank you note.
This award helps music students attend the International Music Camp at the Peace Garden. Funding comes from a donation to Beta Chapter by Jane Kegel in memory of her husband, David.
This award helps music students attend the International Music Camp at the Peace Garden. Funding comes from a donation to Beta Chapter by Jane Kegel in memory of her husband, David.
Monday, September 12, 2011
A phobe designates someone obsessed with a specific subject or activity; i.e., technophobe.
In this respect, I suppose Connie Knain and I could be labeled DKGphobes. We
...attend chapter meetings.
...say "yes" when asked to chair, plan, serve on committees or in offices.
...travel to state meetings.
...register for and attend regional conferences.
...fly away to the International conventions.
...enjoy seeing new places and renewing old acquaintances.
...scrutinize and revise Society documents like Constitution and bylaws.
...nudge our sisters to dive into activities and hold offices.
...know the words to the Society song.
...proudly wear the DKG pin.
Recently, we've been going through an accumulation of paperwork for the chapter, its business and its activities. What to keep in the files? What to discard? What is important for the next DKGphobes to have when they take on the duties and responsibilities and fun of the chapter?
Did we have fun doing this? We did enjoy the shared activity in the sense of DKG sisterhood. And that's what the Society means: a sisterhood promoting personal and professional growth of women educators.
In this respect, I suppose Connie Knain and I could be labeled DKGphobes. We
...attend chapter meetings.
...say "yes" when asked to chair, plan, serve on committees or in offices.
...travel to state meetings.
...register for and attend regional conferences.
...fly away to the International conventions.
...enjoy seeing new places and renewing old acquaintances.
...scrutinize and revise Society documents like Constitution and bylaws.
...nudge our sisters to dive into activities and hold offices.
...know the words to the Society song.
...proudly wear the DKG pin.
Recently, we've been going through an accumulation of paperwork for the chapter, its business and its activities. What to keep in the files? What to discard? What is important for the next DKGphobes to have when they take on the duties and responsibilities and fun of the chapter?
Did we have fun doing this? We did enjoy the shared activity in the sense of DKG sisterhood. And that's what the Society means: a sisterhood promoting personal and professional growth of women educators.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
June Convention
Connie Knain and Verna LaBounty drove across North Dakota to Minot for the Alpha Omicron State Convention held at the Grand International Inn. Connie represented Beta Chapter at the Executive Board meetings and marched in the flag ceremony (above: Sandy Starr organizes the presidents for the presentation of the flags).
Both Connie and Verna worked on getting the state by-laws amended and approved. This major accomplishment will bring the state into alignment with the International Constitution.
Ceremonies, keynote address by June Bowers, old friends (below: Verna with Faye Miller), timely workshops, and entertainment filled two days. Next stop: Northwest Regional at Edmonton.
The Convention elected new state officers:
President: Becky Anhorn, Nu
First Vice-President: Lisa Olson, Gamma
Second Vice-President: Peggy Donahue, Tau
Secretary: Jan Repnow, Lambda
Treasurer: Elaine Larson, Gamma
Parliamentarian: Diana Schneider, Theta
Both Connie and Verna worked on getting the state by-laws amended and approved. This major accomplishment will bring the state into alignment with the International Constitution.
Ceremonies, keynote address by June Bowers, old friends (below: Verna with Faye Miller), timely workshops, and entertainment filled two days. Next stop: Northwest Regional at Edmonton.
The Convention elected new state officers:
President: Becky Anhorn, Nu
First Vice-President: Lisa Olson, Gamma
Second Vice-President: Peggy Donahue, Tau
Secretary: Jan Repnow, Lambda
Treasurer: Elaine Larson, Gamma
Parliamentarian: Diana Schneider, Theta
Technology Updates Workshop
Dr. Warren Gamas, Minot State University, conducted a workshop on a few of the latest innovations in technology that can enhance classroom education. He demonstrated in a renovated technology classroom that featured a Smart Board, projectors, and outlets for 50 laptops, iPads or other mobile hardware.
Smart Boards, computers, and projectors are becoming standard equipment in the modern classroom, but here are some web sites for exploration.
I love learning about new techy items so this workshop excited me. Dr. Gamas made the point that teachers must meet students in their world of visuals and gaming to engage them in concepts and subject matter.
Second Life allows creation of an avatar to explore many virtual worlds. Think opportunities for role-playing.
Scratch Projects was developed by Mass. Tech. Institute as a place for students to create and develop projects of all kinds.
Khan Academy provides video tutoring on thousands of topics.
Want a new way to take notes, check out Live Scribe at
This is paper based computing. Watch the videos to see how this computing pen works. It's amazing!
Be sure to click on k-12 education on the menu bar to see educational applications.
Here's a description of the notebook and the paper features that make this tool work.
Smart Boards, computers, and projectors are becoming standard equipment in the modern classroom, but here are some web sites for exploration.
I love learning about new techy items so this workshop excited me. Dr. Gamas made the point that teachers must meet students in their world of visuals and gaming to engage them in concepts and subject matter.
Second Life allows creation of an avatar to explore many virtual worlds. Think opportunities for role-playing.
Scratch Projects was developed by Mass. Tech. Institute as a place for students to create and develop projects of all kinds.
Khan Academy provides video tutoring on thousands of topics.
Want a new way to take notes, check out Live Scribe at
This is paper based computing. Watch the videos to see how this computing pen works. It's amazing!
Be sure to click on k-12 education on the menu bar to see educational applications.
Here's a description of the notebook and the paper features that make this tool work.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Beta Chapter Initiates New Members
At the May Dessert Meeting, Beta Chapter initiated three women: Karla Thoennes, Anita Welch, and Leretta Smith. The chapter welcomes these new members and looks forward to getting to know them and to working with them.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
March Meeting Notes
The March meeting of Beta Chapter of DKG featured Emily Wheeler of Studio e. She challenged us to reclaim our creativity. Wheeler spoke about art enrichment as a way to improve attitude, social skills, and health. Art engages all learning styles and develops a sense of accomplishment.
Learn more about activities and workshops available at Wheeler’s Studio e at http://www.studioefargo.com
Members enjoyed brunch and conducted Society business.
Learn more about activities and workshops available at Wheeler’s Studio e at http://www.studioefargo.com
Members enjoyed brunch and conducted Society business.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
March Meeting
March 5
9 a.m. Holiday Inn, Club III
13th Ave. S, Fargo
Program: Emily Wheeler, Artist
Cost: Order off the menu
Hostess: Communications &
Contact: Jo Cavins
Beta Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Meeting Minutes November 6, 2010
Program: STEM Center of West Fargo presented by Principal Tabitha Joyce
Jolynn Krabbenhoft presented Marti Simmons and Joan Wolff for initiation into Beta.
Beta’s meeting was called to order by Connie Knain, president Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the October 2,
2010, meeting approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Collette Folstad reported that we had a balance of $3,129.56 with total assets of
Correspondence: The FM Zoo sent a thank-you for the donation.
Connie Knain reported that after her persistence the library refunded the projector fee from last month due to its
Connie reported that she mailed the bracelet materials to Kansas in response to their request for information about
the sister bracelet project.
Michelle Syvertson, Angie Hanson Cook and Muriel Vincent sent letters of resignation.
Old Business:
We discussed purchasing Christmas gifts for the YWCA. Gifts would be unwrapped so clients could select desired
items to use as gifts for people of their choosing.
Jolynn Krabbenhoft, Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen, Jo Cavins, Linda Fricker, and Debra Boyer volunteered to
serve on the Birthday Committee.
Linda Fricker, Jo Cavins, and Debra Boyer volunteered to serve on the Christmas Party Committee.
New Business:
Donna Terbizan moved to accept the following member resignations with regret: Michelle Syvertson, Angie Hanson
Cook, and Muriel Vincent. Verna LaBounty seconded the motion. Motion was passed.
Volunteers for the autobiographical comments at the next meeting will be Susie Council, Donna Terbizan, and
Collette Folstad.
Members volunteered to work on lesson plans for the Sudan Project: African Soul.
Christmas Party: Thursday, December 2, 2010 at Connie’s Condo. Bring a gift for the Y and a party game gift.
Our 70 Birthday Party will begin at 6:00 at Club 3 for a social time and dinner will be served at 6:30 at the Holiday
Inn on January 20, 2011.
Our February gathering with be at the Fargo Theatre for a “Celebration of Women and their Music.”
Remember that Scholarship apps are due Feb. 1, 2011; Golden Grant apps due March 15, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Boyer, Secretary
9 a.m. Holiday Inn, Club III
13th Ave. S, Fargo
Program: Emily Wheeler, Artist
Cost: Order off the menu
Hostess: Communications &
Contact: Jo Cavins
Beta Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Meeting Minutes November 6, 2010
Program: STEM Center of West Fargo presented by Principal Tabitha Joyce
Jolynn Krabbenhoft presented Marti Simmons and Joan Wolff for initiation into Beta.
Beta’s meeting was called to order by Connie Knain, president Secretary’s Report: Minutes of the October 2,
2010, meeting approved as read.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer, Collette Folstad reported that we had a balance of $3,129.56 with total assets of
Correspondence: The FM Zoo sent a thank-you for the donation.
Connie Knain reported that after her persistence the library refunded the projector fee from last month due to its
Connie reported that she mailed the bracelet materials to Kansas in response to their request for information about
the sister bracelet project.
Michelle Syvertson, Angie Hanson Cook and Muriel Vincent sent letters of resignation.
Old Business:
We discussed purchasing Christmas gifts for the YWCA. Gifts would be unwrapped so clients could select desired
items to use as gifts for people of their choosing.
Jolynn Krabbenhoft, Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen, Jo Cavins, Linda Fricker, and Debra Boyer volunteered to
serve on the Birthday Committee.
Linda Fricker, Jo Cavins, and Debra Boyer volunteered to serve on the Christmas Party Committee.
New Business:
Donna Terbizan moved to accept the following member resignations with regret: Michelle Syvertson, Angie Hanson
Cook, and Muriel Vincent. Verna LaBounty seconded the motion. Motion was passed.
Volunteers for the autobiographical comments at the next meeting will be Susie Council, Donna Terbizan, and
Collette Folstad.
Members volunteered to work on lesson plans for the Sudan Project: African Soul.
Christmas Party: Thursday, December 2, 2010 at Connie’s Condo. Bring a gift for the Y and a party game gift.
Our 70 Birthday Party will begin at 6:00 at Club 3 for a social time and dinner will be served at 6:30 at the Holiday
Inn on January 20, 2011.
Our February gathering with be at the Fargo Theatre for a “Celebration of Women and their Music.”
Remember that Scholarship apps are due Feb. 1, 2011; Golden Grant apps due March 15, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Debra Boyer, Secretary
70th Birthday Party

Beta Celebrates 70 Years
Beta Chapter was installed on
January 30, 1941 by Hazel B. Nielson,
Alpha Omicron State President.
Adelaide Phillips served as the first
president. Chapter members were
Jennie Champine, Mary Fowler,
Adelaide Phillips (Fryar), Ina Best,
Gladys Carney, and Sadie Walker,
Lydia Grotberg, Adeline Stevenson
(Nurse), Minnie Anderson, Isabelle
Ramstad, Alice Tibert, Signe Euren,
Della Crothers, Ethel Conklin, and Helga Hulbert. A
photo and more information can be found at
Birthday committee members, Jolynn Krabbenhoft,
Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen, Jo Cavins, Linda Fricker,
and Debra Boyer, served up an enjoyable evening of
celebration on January 20, 2011. Dinner of shrimp, grilled chicken, or sirloin steak was
followed by red velvet cupcakes for dessert. Gifts were
brought to donate to Expanding Your Horizons, a math
and science event for junior high girls. Linda Fricker
conducted a drawing for door prizes.

Red velvet cupcakes were our birthday treat.
Nancy Jordheim, former member, and Jolyn Krabbenhoft enjoyed looking through the membership book.
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