Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Award Winning Beta Members

Congratulations to these two Beta members on their achievement.

Anita Welch received $2000 Lucile Cornetet Professional Development Award for presentation of STEM-related (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) research at the International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY) in Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 October 2011. The presentation and associated paper is titled "A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Technology-Rich Outcomes-Focused Learning Environment Inventory (TROFLEI)." Welch is first author on the paper, a collaborative project with professors from North Dakota State University and Turkey. In addition to presenting at the conference, she will attend numerous sessions related to education and will have the opportunity to form new partnerships with faculty from around the world.

Mari Borr, assistant professor in the School of Education, was named the 2011 Outstanding North Dakota Career and Technical Educator by the North Dakota Career and Technical Education instructors and directors. Borr was recognized during the group’s 41st annual professional development conference Aug. 8-10 in Bismarck, N.D.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kegel Award Winner

In May Beta Chapter awarded the David Kegel Music Grant to Carli Carrier. She expressed her appreciation in a recent thank you note.

This award helps music students attend the International Music Camp at the Peace Garden. Funding comes from a donation to Beta Chapter by Jane Kegel in memory of her husband, David.

Monday, September 12, 2011


A phobe designates someone obsessed with a specific subject or activity; i.e., technophobe.

In this respect, I suppose Connie Knain and I could be labeled DKGphobes. We
...attend chapter meetings.
...say "yes" when asked to chair, plan, serve on committees or in offices. to state meetings.
...register for and attend regional conferences. away to the International conventions.
...enjoy seeing new places and renewing old acquaintances.
...scrutinize and revise Society documents like Constitution and bylaws.
...nudge our sisters to dive into activities and hold offices.
...know the words to the Society song.
...proudly wear the DKG pin.

Recently, we've been going through an accumulation of paperwork for the chapter, its business and its activities. What to keep in the files? What to discard? What is important for the next DKGphobes to have when they take on the duties and responsibilities and fun of the chapter?

Did we have fun doing this? We did enjoy the shared activity in the sense of DKG sisterhood. And that's what the Society means: a sisterhood promoting personal and professional growth of women educators.