Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Beta Committees 2012-2013

**indicates committee chair or co-chair

Society Business

Communications and Publicity Committee:
**Mari Borr, Lisa Montplaisir, Verna LaBounty—Beta Bits, Editor

1.     Shall provide a link of member to member, chapter to state and state organization to international.
2.     Shall publicize chapter activities.
3.     Shall suggest ways to market and promote the Society.
4.     Shall set editorial policy and review content of Beta Bits, Beta Blog, and Beta website

Finance Committee 
** Colette Folstad, Jan Flack, Karla Thoennes, Betty Patterson—Treasurer

1.     Shall be composed of the president and five (5) members.
2.     Shall propose guidelines for executive board approval with respect to the investment of funds, prepare the available fund budget for adoption by the membership and provide for annual review.
3.     Shall have treasurer report at each chapter meeting.

Leadership Development Committee
**Ginger Deitz, Julie Helgaas, Ann Braaten

1.     Shall be responsible for encouraging and developing leadership abilities of members.
2.     Shall provide a leadership prompt for each meeting (i.e., statement, quote, definition, cartoon).
3.    Shall mentor members for leadership positions (i.e.,  
              observe, note activities outside chapter, visit with 
              individuals in regard to talents, suggest acceptance of
             office/committee positions).

Membership and Courtesy Committee
**Jolyn Krabbenhoft, Lannette Christmann, Joan Wolff  

1.     Shall study and make recommendations related to membership.
2.     Shall complete necrology and membership reports.
3.     Shall receive and evaluate the recommendation of persons proposed for membership and submit names of qualified candidates.
4.     Shall be responsible for designated additional duties such as contacting members without email addresses by telephone about the program, its date and location.

Nominations Committee 
**Connie Knain—Immediate Past President; Debbie Boyer, Second Vice President; Karen Foss

1.     Shall be composed of the immediate past president, preceding past president and   the second vice president.  (This committee is set by Beta Bylaws.)
2.     Shall provide a slate of officers for the biennium.

Rules /Bylaws Review Committee
** Jennette Dittman, Muriel Brown, Connie Knain,

1.     Shall revise the current Beta Bylaws, in particular, the section referring to committees.
2.     Shall submit revisions for chapter approval.

Society Mission and Purposes

Educational Excellence Committee
**Second Vice President, Debbie Boyer; WooMi Phillips, Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen,

1.     The Second Vice President, will serve as chairperson.  The committee shall be organized to function as a committee of the whole or, at the discretion of the chair, in groups, to accomplish its responsibilities. 
2.     Shall promote activities for personal and professional growth of members. 
       3.  Shall promote programs and projects for excellence in 
4.   Shall study, evaluate, and make recommendations for
      chapter action regarding long and short-term programs
            and projects adopted by the Society (i.e. Schools for Africa).
5.   Shall promote the personal well-being, intellectual
      growth, and global awareness of women educators, and
      encourage a focus on the arts.
6.   Shall study and recommend action on professional
      issues and shall urge members to initiate, endorse and
      support desirable legislation.
7.   Shall be responsible for awarding the Early Educators’
      Grant when funds are available.

Music Committee
**Gerry Flaig, Linda Manikowske, Ruth Hoglund

1.     Shall facilitate music for the meetings.
2.     Shall award the Kegel Music Grant annually.

Scholarship Committee 
** Maureen Scott, Ann Braaten,

1.     Shall promote interest in the Adeline Stevenson Nurse Scholarship for graduate study.
2.     Shall solicit applications and select the recipient.

World Fellowship Committee 
** Karen Kuhn, Roberta Harnish

1.     Shall assist in promoting and encouraging members to contribute to the fund for International World Fellowship.

Literacy Committee
** Bonnie Gates, Betty Hanson, Robyne Williams

1.     Shall sponsor activities and events that enhance the welfare of children.

Beta Chapter Leadership


Verna LaBounty

First Vice President:

Second Vice President:
Debbie Boyer

Donna Terbizan

Betty Patterson

Ann Braaten

Immediate Past-President:
Connie Knain

Beta Bits Editor:
Verna LaBounty

Beta Chapter Programs


February 2, 2013, Saturday – 9 a.m., Aurora Elem. School        
                                                             (3420 9th St W, West Fargo)
 "Exercise or Physical Activity – Which One and Why?" by Donna Terizban  (Purpose # 6) Hostesses: Music Committee Cost: $5.00

March 2, 2013, Saturday – 9 a.m., Aurora Elem. School
Book study: Dignity: The Essential Role it Plays in Resolving Conflict by Donna Hicks, Ph.D. (Purpose # 7)   State President’s Visit
Hostesses: Nomination Committee Cost: $5.00

April 6, 2013, Saturday – 9 a.m., Aurora Elem School
Caregiver Program by Laura Fischer, ND Caregiver Support Program, Southeast Mental Health. (Purpose #7)
Hostesses: Leadership Development Committee Cost: $5.00

May 4, 2013, Saturday 9 a.m., Aurora Elem. School
Initiation. Offering for Schools for Africa program, award Kegel Music Grant (Purpose #5)
Hostesses: Finance Cost: $5.00

September12, 2013, Thursday – 7-9 p.m. Fargo Billiards and Gastro Pub, 32nd Avenue S, Fargo
 30 Minute tutorial on playing pool with an opportunity to practice (Purpose #1), Cost: $3 for 1-hour table time (tutorial is free) Food and drink to order as desired at 6 p.m. Hostesses: Educational Excellence

October 5, 2013, Saturday – 9 a.m. Aurora Elem. School
Breadsmith by Rob , who will present his passion for bread with samples (Purpose #6) Hostesses: Membership and Courtesy
Cost: $5.00

November 2, 2013, Saturday – 9 a.m., Aurora Elem School
Polar Fleece Blankets will be made for the YWCA Shelter. Bring two pieces of polar fleece each measuring 4 ft. square. (Purpose #3) Hostesses: Rules Cost: $5.00

Duties and Responsibilities
Hostesses:  The designated hostess committee will bring napkins, juice, and two dozen snacks (a finger food that can be served on a napkin). Coffee and cups will be provided onsite. Greet members and collect money.
Hostess committee will be reimbursed for their purchases.
Contact person:  The Educational Excellence Committee will contact program presenters to confirm arrangements and make the introduction at the meeting. The committee will make the coffee.