Saturday, February 22, 2014

March Meeting

March 1, 2014

Saturday. 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School
3420 9th St. W, West Fargo, ND 

Program: Travel to Peru
      Debbie Boyer, Jolyn Krabbenhoft and Ginger Deitz

Cost: $5.00 

Hostess:  Literacy/Scholarship Committees
    Bonnie Gates, Robyn Williams

    Ann Braaten

Invite women teachers to Beta meetings. 
Let them see DKG’s professional support network in action.

Verna’s Viewpoint…

   All of you are probably as tired as I am of being cold. The below zero temps and wind chills have made January and February seem long. The morning paper reminded me that March is often our most wintery month. I didn’t need to hear that.
   The Rules Committee has finished its work. Thank you Jennette, Muriel, and Connie. The Nomination Committee begins their task of seeking leadership for Beta Chapter for the coming biennium.
   This prompts me to consider my reasons for accepting various leadership positions:
   ....flattered to be asked by persons who thought I had talent and ability to offer, opportunities, interest in the work of the committee or office, turn, or good reason why I couldn’t say yes.
   In retrospect, leadership is a challenge and the reward comes from moving the chapter forward and helping members develop and network through programs and projects. I hoped members would be inspired by projects. Chapter business can be dull and routine, but it gives us a solid foundation. Joy comes when members participate enthusiastically.
    Please consider answering the leadership call. Working together Beta members fulfill the goals of DKG and embody the best in the educational profession.

February Meeting Highlights

Sarah Kennedy (right) from Fraser Ltd. described the Stepping
Sarah Kennedy
 Stones Resource Center and its services for homeless 
young people in the F-M community.

Erica Hewitt (below) speaks about her path to teaching as she receives the chapter SEE early educator award. She teaches at Bennett Elementary School.

Verna LaBounty and Mari Borr were hostesses for the meeting.
Muriel Brown and Jennette Dittman

Debbie Boyer, Erica Hewitt, and Jolyn Krabbenhoft