Tuesday, August 26, 2014

September Meeting

WHEN:  September 13
             Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

                  3420 9th St. W West Fargo, ND

                      Peter Moynihan from Solutions in Moorhead

Jolene Beckman- Sternhagen            Mari Borr
Betty Patterson                                   Bonnie Gates

COST: $5.00

Greetings Beta Sisters,

The DKG International Convention in Indianapolis was an eye-opening experience for me. Imagine 1400 women from 17 countries gathered in one room to celebrate, learn, and conduct business. North Dakota answered roll call with a “Ya sure!”along with creative replies and sounds from the other organizations. The membership realized with crystal clarity the need to recruit younger members as the speaker took a count of the various generations present at the meeting. Traditionalists and Baby Boomers tallied up 1380 members while Generation X had 15 members present and Generation Y was represented by 5 members. Fortunately, we have some ideas to spark membership this biennium.
Our theme for the biennium will be to Learn, Lead, and Serve.We are all pros at learning and Verna highlighted our leadership skills the past two years. So, now it is time to Serve. Let’s start brainstorming ways to reach younger teachers, invite past remembers to reinstate their membership, and make a difference in our community. What can you do to enhance and maintain Beta Chapter? I look forward to hearing you ideas!
                                                                                                          Deb Boyer, President

Chapter Dues $70
Checks payable to The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International may be given to treasurer at the chapter meeting or mailed to:
Betty Patterson 118 24th Ave. N Fargo, ND 58102 

Fun in Indianapolis

Faye Miller and Debbie Boyer on tour bus.
The International Convention started with tours. Debbie Boyer and I went on the Shop 'Til You Drop and Life is a Cabaret dinner/show tours. This was followed by general sessions for society business and breakout sessions on a wide variety of topics. The convention schedule allowed time for exploring the city's restaurants, museums, zoo, government buildings, and shopping malls.
Cabaret Show
Debbie has dinner at the Weber Grill restaurant.
Head table shows the flags of the countries, NW Regional Director Lace Brogdon and President Beverly Helms.

ND delegates at general sessions.

Faye Miller, right, helped conduct the voting for Northwest Regional Director.

Verna LaBounty, Debbie Boyer and Peggy Donahue participate in group discussion at the US Forum.

Zentangle breakout session

Our home away from home.