Monday, October 26, 2015

November Meeting

November 7, 2015
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Plains Art Museum 
Program: Center for Creativity: overview of how gallery fits into educational programs  
                  10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 
Contacts:  Netha Cloeter, director of education and Catie Miller, manager of youth programs

Cost:  $6 fee for Plains Art Museum tour 
Note: No hostesses as there will be no food/coffee.

Brainstorming Session

Beta Chapter members spent the October meeting brainstorming activities, membership, programs, and the 75th Birthday Celebration of the chapter. Debbie Boyer, president, leads the discussion.

Jolene Beckman, Debbie Boyer and Bonnie Gates served as hostesses.
Donna Terbizan and Linda Manikowske (right) serve themselves to coffee and treats.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Meeting Updates

October 3, 2015
Saturday, 9:30 a.m. 
North Dakota State University 
Family Life Center, Room 415A

Program:  Plans for Beta Chapter: Its 75 Year
Hostesses: Deb Boyer, Jolene Beckman, Bonnie Gates  
Cost: $5.00
Parking available in Visitor’s Lot or CF Lot or in front of the Family Life Center back-in parking. 

November 7, 2015
Saturday, 10:00 a.m.
Plains Art Museum 
Program: Center for Creativity: overview of how gallery fits into educational programs  
                  10:30 – 11:30 a.m. 
Contacts:  Netha Cloeter, director of education and Catie Miller, manager of youth programs

Cost:  $6 fee for Plains Art Museum tour 
Note: No hostesses as there will be no food/coffee.

Monday, August 17, 2015

September Meeting

September 15, 2015

Tuesday, 7 p.m.

Pinch 'n' Pour

210 BroadwayFargo

Experience the taste of fresh extra virgin olives and the finest balsamics from Italy presented by Greg Robbins, owner.

Cost: $20-25 
This includes your choice of a bottle of olive oil ($13 value) and dessert.

Northwest Regional in Regina, SA, Canada

Verna at the main entrance to the Regional headquarters.
The hotel was built in 1927, remodeled in 1992 and
is currently undergoing renovation.
The outside facade of the 10-story hotel.
Hotel lobby
ND members: Brenda, Diana, Verna, Madeline and Lisa.
Rosemary and Karen chat in the background.

Charlotte and Esther

Faye and Peggy
ND Members: Madeline, Verna, Lisa, Faye, Peggy
(back) Esther, Diana, Karen, Brenda, Sandy, Charlotte, Rosemary, Dottie

Sandy and Lisa present ND flag.

June Bowers conducts session on Fine Arts Gallery.
Sandy Starr  participates in a panel presenting views of teaching
from different generations. Regional director, Phyllis Van
Buren, MN conducted the discussion.

Louise LaFrance, RCMP, was Saskatchewan Night speaker.
At US Forum on Human Trafficking, the ND
members are in middle row.

Saskatchewan Night festivities.

Sandy, Fay and Esther are pictured singing in the choir
at Saturday banquet. Dottie also was in the choir.
Salmon was the main course of the banquet meal.

Verna and Faye are ready to do Regina.

Tours included a trip around the city and an afternoon
at the Natural History Museum. Verna learns about
masasour, a water dinosaur.

Central teepee of First Nations University.
One wing flanking the teepee at First Nations University.

Faye and Verna with RCMP officer at their training facility.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

DKG-ND Holds State Convention

Sate President: Sandra Starr

International Guest: Barbara Whiting, MN

New State Officers: Rochelle Feldner, Sec.; Jan Repnow, Second V-Pres.;
Brenda Seehafer, First V-Pres; and Lisa Olson, President.

Past State Presidents: (front) Lisa Olson, Joanne Beckman, Orpha Prather,
Verna LaBounty, Karen Waltz (back) Esther Eustice, Diana Schneider, Connie Knain
Dottie Schmeling, Sandra Starr, and Faye Miller

Friends meet: Esther, Karen, and Connie

Friends: Orpha, Connie, Verna,
Jean, Debbie

Beta Members attend June Convention

Beta Delegates: Verna LaBounty, Connie Knain, Debbie Boyer, Ann Braaten

Debbie Boyer present Beta Birthday gift.
Beta delegates visit with Betsy Dalrymple, banquet speaker

Debbie Boyer presents workshop on Nurtured Heart.

Beta Members with assist from Vicky Roehl sing the invitation to
the 2016 International Convention in Nashville.

Ann examines her auction prize.

Verna wins portable battery supply
with successful silent auction bid.

Honor for Jan Flack

Jan Flack has been inducted into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines. Flack was initiated at North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND. She is currently a Ph.D student in the Adult and Occupational Education doctoral program at North Dakota State University. She previously earned an MA from the University of Minnesota in 1990 and a BA from St. Olaf College in 1976.

Membership in Phi Kappa Phi is be invitation and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees qualify. Flack qualified with a 4.0 GPA and serves a a graduate research assistant in the NDSU School of Education and Human Services.

Friday, April 24, 2015

May Meeting

May 2
9:30 a.m.
NDSU Family Life Center - Room 415A

Program: Master's Degree in Merchandising by Linda Manikowske

Hostesses: Connie Knain, Karen Foss, Jan Flack, Jennette Dittman

Book Sale: Members can bring any number of paperback or hardcover books and buy books for $1.00 each. Proceeds go to World Fellowship.


Parking at NDSU will be available in front of the building on Centennial Avenue or in the CF lot.  No permits are needed on Saturday. Linda Manikowske will arrange for Family Life Center Doors doors to be open.

April Meeting Featured Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs of the Red River Valley - READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs

The purpose of this group is to improve literacy skills of children. Owners have undergone extensive training with their dogs and take them to classrooms and libraries for reading time with children. Mary Brinkmann (left) presented basic information about the group, training, and activities. Christie Lindemann (third from left) is the site coordinator. Each of the women shared their personal experiences of interaction with children.

Friday, March 27, 2015

April Meeting

April 11, 2015
Saturday, 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School

Therapy Dogs of the Red River Valley - READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs)
The purpose is to improve the literacy skills of Children.
Christie Lindemann, site coordinator of TPRRV, Mary Brinkman, presenter

Hostesses: Collette Folstad, Verna LaBounty, Lannette Christman

Cost $5.00

SEE Award Given to Peterson

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Amy Peterson, Berger Elementary School, West Fargo, was awarded Beta Chapter's SEE (Supporting Early Educators) Award.

March Program Featured Reflexology

Jan Benson, a licensed reflexologist, described reflexology and demonstrated techniques at the Beta Chapter March meeting.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

March Meeting

Saturday, March 7

9:30 a.m.

Aurora Elementary School, 3420 9th St. W, West Fargo


Reflexology for Wellness
Jan Benson LR

Gerry Flaig
Jolyn Krabbenhoft
Tammy Shaw
Robyn Williams

Cost: $5.00

Kudos for Chapter President

Deb Boyer, counselor at Aurora Elementary School, was doubly honored recently at the Mid-Winter Conference in Bismarck.
The North Dakota School Counselor Association (NDSCA) presented the 2015 NDSCA Outstanding Counselor of the Year Award to Ms. Boyer. Finalists are judged on several criteria: creative school counseling innovations, effective counseling programs, leadership skills and contributions to student enhancement.

She received the 2015 North Dakota Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (ND ACES) Dr. Robert C. Nielsen Supervisor of the Year Award. The NDSCA ND ACES recognizes the supervisor that provides outstanding supervision to ND university counseling interns and/or ND pre-licensure counselors. Award recipients must demonstrate sustained excellence in supervision marked by compassion, caring and commitment to optimism.

From the West Fargo Public School District, Debbie received the Kaleidoscope Award from Dr. Flowers! He makes kaleidoscopes and this is his way of recognizing people in the district for their outstanding achievement.


Chapter Members Enjoy Tour

Beta Chapter Members were treated to a tour of the Emily Reynolds Costume Collection. Ann Braaten explained the Katherine Kilbourne Burgum display as well as the collection of costumes from various eras.
Ann Braaten
Members listen to Ann Braaten.