Tuesday, December 19, 2017

November Visit to a Mosque

Beta members enjoyed a visit to a mosque in Fargo. This was both enjoyable and educational.

Treats were enjoyed.

Beta Christmas Party

Members enjoyed gathering for fun and games at Connie Knain's home with its festive seasonal decor.

Farkle winners. 

Desserts were served.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

October Meeting

Saturday October 7 

NDSU’s Human Performance Laboratory 
Bentson Bunker Fieldhouse 1st floor – enter northwest door of building on ground floor

Hostesses – Jolyn Krabbenhoft, Verna LaBounty, Collette Folstad

Cost $5

Please pay dues of $70 to Linda Manikowske.

Beta Members Participate in Executive Board Meeting

Brenda Seehafer, State President, conducted the meeting.

 Deb Boyer attended committee meetings and Jolene Beckman, Beta President, reported on the state convention held in June. Ann Braaten, State First Vice-President, gave a report on her training at the Northwest Regional.

 Sarah Griffith, Verna LaBounty, and Deb Boyer worked on AdHoc Committee recommendations for dealing with chapter flags and other paraphernalia.

September Meeting

September Meeting  Featured:

Vonnie Sanders, former Director of ELL Programs for Fargo Public Schools

Beta Welcomed Transfer Member Jeanne Orke. 
She comes from Bottineau and was a member of Lambda Chapter. She is the newly elected President of ND Retired Teachers Assoc.

Hostesses: Connie Knain, Betty  Patterson, and Ginger Deitz served delicious desserts.

Members enjoy getting together.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

September Meeting

Beta Chapter 

Thursday, September 7, 7 p.m.

Social Room in Deb’s condo, 3434 28 St S, Fargo
Program: ELL Facilitator: Vonnie Sanders,
former Director of ELL programs for Fargo Public Schools.

Hostesses: Connie Knain, BettyPatterson, Ginger Dietz
Cost $5

Review Beta Blog posts for photos of the June Convention

Beta Dues:  $70, payable in September

The Beta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma is guided by the mission and vision of our international organization.  They read:
Mission Statement
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

Vision Statement

Leading Women Educators

Impacting Education Worldwide

In March we started talking about the possibility of using our mission and vision to focus our programming, service, and fundraising efforts.  There were two reasons for that:   1)  Our money and time could go in one direction and  make a bigger impact on a single cause, and 2) It would be easier and clearer when explaining our purpose to potential new members.  

The members of Beta have spent the last two meetings brainstorming and analyzing how we might accomplish this task.  After following the steps of the creative problem solving process, we decided that we will emphasize the worldwide aspect of the vision statement.  For 2017-18, we will be focusing our service projects, fundraising, and programming on international educational causes and needs.  Since Fargo Moorhead has many new Americans who have come from all of over the world, we’ll use the various cultural diversity groups and educational programs to research needs, possible services, and programs.  We will also emphasize and support the global projects of DKG.  Our goal will be to coordinate with what is already being done and then support, improve, and if necessary, propose a new avenue.   Programming and activities for 2017-18 will be related to impacting education worldwide.

Monday, June 19, 2017

DKG ND Convention Scenes from registration

Dr. Schmid

Beta Registration Committee

Hotel announcement board

DKG ND Opening Ceremony

Jennette Dittman and Connie Knain prepare chapter flags.

Beth Slette, Asst. Supt. West Fargo Public Schools welcomes DKG members. 

Dr. Lyn Schmid gives greeting from International.

DKG ND - Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent Sessions

Tips for Successful Gardening - Don Kinzler
Generation Building - the Jeremiah Project - Diane Solinger
Building/Maintaining Membership - Lyn Schmid

Reading Strategies & Characters - Wanda Melhoff
Reflecting Women's Lives/Dress of the 1940-'s - Ann Braaten
Leadership Development/ Pat Herbel, Diana Schneider, Sherry Heaton


Debbie Boyer introduces Dress for Success speaker, Amanda Even
Amanda Even
Origami Rose Prize

                                    Brenda Seehafer, Pres.; Ann Braaten, First Vice-Pres.; Wanda Melhoff, Second Vice-Pres.; Sherry Heaton, Sec.; LaVonne Mongeon, Treas. and Faye Miller, Parliamentarian.                                                   
Initiation of state officers conducted by Dr. Schmid and Lisa Olson. 
Fun night activity, Dress for Silliness, promoted interaction and laughter.

DKG ND Convention - Birthday Luncheon

State President Lisa Olson

Theta Chapter collects Birthday gifts.
Dr. Schmid is guest speaker

Ginger Deitz enjoys birthday cake.

Debbie Boyer introduces Alpha Power.
Alpha Power choices are made.

Epsilon Mu presents Founders Tribute.

Norma Theis presents 3-D printed working wrench to Dr. Schmid.