Thursday, January 26, 2017

February Meeting

February 4
9:15 a.m.

3434 28th St S

Program: TEDX Discussion: Do Schools Stifle Creativity?
Presenter: Debbie Boyer

Hostesses: Jolene Beckman, Jan Flack, Mari Borr

Cost: $5

From the Properties and Hospitality Committee for the state convention:

With the State Convention just around the corner, our committee is looking for some freebies we can have at the registration table. We will have maps, etc. which attendees can pick up, but we would like other small items also.   

Do you have any great ideas?    And where we might get some free things?  

November Meeting Highlights

Amanda Even speaks to Beta Members about Dress for Success

                                                                             Beta members work on state convention preparations.

Hostesses: Robyn Williams, Betty Petterson, Donna Terbizan