Friday, March 16, 2012

Author Reads at Zandbroz

Sarah Yates, an author from Winnipeg and friend of Ann Braaten, will be here next week to read from her new young adult reader novel, "Lucky Lou Gets Game."  The central character is a young woman with cerebral palsy who overcomes many challenges to get her neighborhood to support her effort of having a wheel chair accessible ramp built to make their house accessible.  The book does a wonderful job of letting the reader know what it is like to have cerebral palsy and works to empower people with disabilities.  

Zandbroz Variety
420 Broadway N.
Fargo, ND
March 22, 2012
6:30 p.m.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Beta Members Make News

Have you read The Forum this week? Did you notice Beta members in the news.

Our own Ginger Deitz and her class were featured in the NIE spot this week. The Irish theme of their creative writing entertained readers.

An exhibit, "Women of Considerable Influence," honors Women's History Month at the Memorial Union through March 31 at NDSU. The exhibit features two Fargo women active in the suffrage movement, Ruth Roberts Haggart and Kate Selby Wilder. Ann Braaten, curator of the Emily Reynolds Historic Costume Collection, describes the clothing and the activities of the two women. The exhibit is open to the public and free.

These two ladies represent the key women educators who make up The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

April Meeting

Note change from regular meeting time.

April 12, 2012 Thursday 7-9 p.m.
Club III at Holiday Inn
Program:  Deb Dawson, Update on African Soul/American Heart
                Bring packages of girls' panties Size 4-6
Order from dessert menu.

Are You Prepared?

Carol Cwiak from the Department of Emergency Management at NDSU spoke at Beta Chapter's March meeting about the need to be prepared. She outlined 12 Easy Steps:

1) Have a weather radio at your home and office.
2) Have "in case of emergency" contacts on your cell phone.
3) Do not text while driving.
4) Carry a printed list of important family contact numbers with you in your wallet.
5) Keep you gas tank half full.
6) Keep emergency cash on hand.
7) Know how to shelter-in-place and how to evacuate.
8)Sign up for CodeRED.
9) When your vehicle is in the water remember:  ~Seatbelts ~ Children ~ Window ~ Out
10) Have extra pet supplies and a pet carrier ready.
11) Have a winter survival kit in your vehicle.
12) Be ready for flooding on your lowest lever - even if you have never taken on water before.

For more information see:

Members received an emergency preparedness guide for Cass and Clay counties.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Folstad Talks BB on Radio

Collette Folstad was a featured guest this morning on the Joel Heitkamp radio show. She talked about her basketball experiences and the development of girls basketball in the state and area. If you weren't able to listen, check out the podcasts at the KFGO website. I don't see it but posted yet, I'm sure it will soon be on the list for the show.

As always, Collette was informative and entertaining. Many callers related their experiences with her or told stories of their own involvement in girls basketball. This is tournament time: Class A girls are playing this weekend, Class B will play next weekend.