Saturday, August 13, 2016

September Meeting

September 10, 2016
Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

Stumbeano's Coffee Bar

210 Broadway, Fargo, ND

Entrance is on the alley, lower level, with parking available on west side of the alley on Saturday morning.

Greg Stumbo will give a presentation on coffee.

COST: $5.00 (will include coffee drink)

Installation of Beta Officers

Lisa Olson installs new chapter officers.
Debbie Boyer, First Vice-President; Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen, President; Lisa Olson, ND DKG State President;
Ann Braaten and Connie Knain, Second Vice-Presidents; and Donna Terbizan, Secretary.
Linda Manikowske (not pictured) appointed as Treasurer.