Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Join Beta Sisters in October

Saturday, October 4, 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School, West Fargo

Betty Patterson presents "In the Footsteps of Paul and the Apostles and a look at Christianity and Islam."

Hostesses: Debbie Boyer, Muriel Brown, WooMi Phillips, 
                  Julie Helgaas
Cost: $5.00
This year Beta is focusing on serving. I thought it would be interesting to consider the various synonyms for the word serve. The list includes assist, attend, act, perform, provide, distribute, tend, achieve, fulfill and carry out. As you read those words I imagine you can see the correlation between the words and the purposes of DKG and specifically of Beta. We attend to the needs of our Chapter and State Organization as well as provide resources to people in our city, state, and international through our grants and donations. We act to promote leadership and mentor new teachers. Our commitment to the organization empowers us to achieve and fulfill the goals of the organization. Let’s assist and tend to the work of the Chapter so we can continue to learn, lead, and serve.

                                   Debbie Boyer, Beta President

Chapter Dues $70 
Checks payable to The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International may be given to treasurer at the chapter meeting or mailed to: 
    Betty Patterson 118 24th Ave. N Fargo, ND 58102 

Congratulations to Collette Folstad! She's in the West Fargo High School Hall of Fame.