Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Beta Meeting Planner

Mark your calendars to be sure you don't miss any of the upcoming chapter meetings and the interesting and entertaining programs planned by the Educational Excellence Committee chaired by Linda Manikowske.

February 10, 2015, Tuesday-4:30 p.m., NDSU Family Life Center Room 413B (Parking available in Visitor’s Lot or CF Lot)
 Making Fleece Blankets for Charity + Tour of Emily Reynolds Costume Collection with Ann Braaten
March 7, 2015, Saturday-9:30 a.m., Aurora Elementary School, (3420 9th St W, West Fargo)
Reflexology for Wellness – Jan Benson LR

April 11, 2015, Saturday-9:30 a.m., Aurora Elementary School, (3420 9th St W, West Fargo)
Therapy Dogs of the Red River Valley – READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs)- purpose is to improve the literacy skills of children- Christie Lindemann, site coordinator of TPRRV, Mary Brinkman, presenter

May 2, 2015, Saturday-9:30 a.m., NDSU Family Life Center Room 415A (Parking available in Visitor’s Lot or CF Lot)
Research in Hospitality and Tourism – Dr. WooMi Jo, Assoc. Professor, NDSU
Installation of new members

September 15, 2015, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m., Pinch ‘n Pour – 210 Broadway, Fargo
Experience the taste of FRESH extra virgin olive oils and the finest balsamics from Italy presented by Greg Robbins, owner 

October 3, 2015, Saturday-9:30 a.m., Meet at Nichole’s Fine Pastry 
Program at Plains Art Museum – overview of how the gallery fits into the educational programs at Center for Creativity (10:30-11:30 contact Brianna NcNelly)

November 7, 2015 Saturday-9:30 a.m., NDSU Family Life Center, Room 415A
Online Graduate Programs in Human Sciences – Mari Borr and Linda Manikowske, NDSU faculty

A Mission in Kenya, Africa

Ginger Deitz described her summer mission trip to Kenya, Africa. Through her Presbyterian church, her mission group brought supplies for the clinics they operate. Her personal goal is to build a school. The following pictures show the progress being made on this project. Other photos show scenes from the area.

Ginger talks about the books and supplies for the school.

Ginger shows a blackboard. Chalk is expensive and limited.

With local educators, Ginger sits at a typical desk.

The area grows rice, tea, and coffee. Ginger learned how to pick tea.
Going into the quarry (Ginger in blue shirt at right)
Quarry is an important source of building stones.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

From the Leadership Team

One thing (among many) I appreciate about Delta Kappa Gamma is its global emphasis.  In our own chapter, we hear about travels, service trips, and local efforts to help schools in Africa.  On an international level, DKG supports Schools for Africa and gives World Fellowship Scholarships which educate women who will work for good in their own countries.  

The help is needed.  According to UNESCO
  • The world will need 6.8 million teachers for primary education by the year 2015
  • Sub-Saharan Africa will need to recruit more than 1.8 million primary school teachers by 2015.
  • 53% of the primary age children in the world are not in school, and girls are the majority of that group
  • Pupil-teacher ratios around the world are rising.  For example, there are 84 primary students to each one teacher in the Central African Republic, 79 students to each teacher in Malawi, and 65 students to each teacher in Rwanda.

Obviously, there is work to do. As I pay my dues to Delta Kappa Gamma, I think about the outreach that our organization does to help improve education worldwide. I am proud of the leadership and impact that we have in the world and hope you are too.

                                                       Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen, First Vice-President

Friday, October 24, 2014

Beta Members

Proud Beta Members pose for chapter picture for the Alpha Omicron 75th Anniversary publication and celebration slated for the June meeting in Bismarck. Photos of other absent members will be taken and added to this photo so complete membership is displayed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

November Meeting

November 1, 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary

Learn, Lead, Serve

Ginger Dietz Presents
Mission Work in Kenya, Africa 

Initiation Ceremony for Tammy Shaw

Share your Expertise at the Northwest Regional Conference

From: "VanBuren, Phyllis E."
Subject: NW Regional Conference Website
Date: October 10, 2014 4:47:37 PM CDT
To: "VanBuren, Phyllis E."

Be the first—or almost the first to visit:

We already have our own Web page at International (—it’s under events > conferences.

You and your members may complete the forms for breakout sessions.  At least, please start planning on how to share your experiences with other attendees at the conference.  Recruit other members to present—you are ALL leaders/mentors/teachers advancing key women educators for life. 

This is the site that will continue to grow with information about the NW Regional Conference.
There is also a link to invite you to Regina. Please share this information with your organization’s members.  Post this link on your Web site. 

Thanks – 
Yours in DKG,

85 Years and Beyond: Advancing Key Women Educators for Life
Regional Director, 2014-2016
Regina, Saskatchewan – July 29-August 1, 2015
Tau State Immediate Past President, 2013-2015
Tau State President, 2011-2013
3001 County Road 146,  Clearwater, MN   55320-1405
320-308-2299 (w)                              
320-558-6330 (h)

Beta Newsmaker

Debbie Boyer's latest project makes the front page of West Fargo Pioneer. Check out the photo and article at this link:

Beta members are always at the forefront in making life better for students.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Join Beta Sisters in October

Saturday, October 4, 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School, West Fargo

Betty Patterson presents "In the Footsteps of Paul and the Apostles and a look at Christianity and Islam."

Hostesses: Debbie Boyer, Muriel Brown, WooMi Phillips, 
                  Julie Helgaas
Cost: $5.00
This year Beta is focusing on serving. I thought it would be interesting to consider the various synonyms for the word serve. The list includes assist, attend, act, perform, provide, distribute, tend, achieve, fulfill and carry out. As you read those words I imagine you can see the correlation between the words and the purposes of DKG and specifically of Beta. We attend to the needs of our Chapter and State Organization as well as provide resources to people in our city, state, and international through our grants and donations. We act to promote leadership and mentor new teachers. Our commitment to the organization empowers us to achieve and fulfill the goals of the organization. Let’s assist and tend to the work of the Chapter so we can continue to learn, lead, and serve.

                                   Debbie Boyer, Beta President

Chapter Dues $70 
Checks payable to The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International may be given to treasurer at the chapter meeting or mailed to: 
    Betty Patterson 118 24th Ave. N Fargo, ND 58102 

Congratulations to Collette Folstad! She's in the West Fargo High School Hall of Fame.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

September Meeting

WHEN:  September 13
             Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

                  3420 9th St. W West Fargo, ND

                      Peter Moynihan from Solutions in Moorhead

Jolene Beckman- Sternhagen            Mari Borr
Betty Patterson                                   Bonnie Gates

COST: $5.00

Greetings Beta Sisters,

The DKG International Convention in Indianapolis was an eye-opening experience for me. Imagine 1400 women from 17 countries gathered in one room to celebrate, learn, and conduct business. North Dakota answered roll call with a “Ya sure!”along with creative replies and sounds from the other organizations. The membership realized with crystal clarity the need to recruit younger members as the speaker took a count of the various generations present at the meeting. Traditionalists and Baby Boomers tallied up 1380 members while Generation X had 15 members present and Generation Y was represented by 5 members. Fortunately, we have some ideas to spark membership this biennium.
Our theme for the biennium will be to Learn, Lead, and Serve.We are all pros at learning and Verna highlighted our leadership skills the past two years. So, now it is time to Serve. Let’s start brainstorming ways to reach younger teachers, invite past remembers to reinstate their membership, and make a difference in our community. What can you do to enhance and maintain Beta Chapter? I look forward to hearing you ideas!
                                                                                                          Deb Boyer, President

Chapter Dues $70
Checks payable to The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International may be given to treasurer at the chapter meeting or mailed to:
Betty Patterson 118 24th Ave. N Fargo, ND 58102 

Fun in Indianapolis

Faye Miller and Debbie Boyer on tour bus.
The International Convention started with tours. Debbie Boyer and I went on the Shop 'Til You Drop and Life is a Cabaret dinner/show tours. This was followed by general sessions for society business and breakout sessions on a wide variety of topics. The convention schedule allowed time for exploring the city's restaurants, museums, zoo, government buildings, and shopping malls.
Cabaret Show
Debbie has dinner at the Weber Grill restaurant.
Head table shows the flags of the countries, NW Regional Director Lace Brogdon and President Beverly Helms.

ND delegates at general sessions.

Faye Miller, right, helped conduct the voting for Northwest Regional Director.

Verna LaBounty, Debbie Boyer and Peggy Donahue participate in group discussion at the US Forum.

Zentangle breakout session

Our home away from home.

Friday, July 18, 2014

International Convention

Winging off in a week to attend the International Convention in Indianapolis, IN, Debbie Boyer and Verna LaBounty have an exciting schedule of tours and convention events arranged. Look for pictures and travelogue when they return.

Executive Board Summer Planning Session

Beta Chapter Executive Board met on July 17 to plan meetings and activities for the coming year. Dates and places to meet were selected. Program ideas and possible projects were discussed. Here's a "selfie" of Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen, Linda Mankowske, Verna LaBounty, and Debra Boyer.

Plan to attend the September meeting to learn about plans for the chapter.

Having fun doing a "selfie" at the planning meeting.

Beta Chapter Members Attend June Workshop

Alpha Omicron State 2014 Workshop was held in Grand Forks, ND June 18-19 at the Ramada Inn. Dr. Lace Brogden, Northwest Regional Director, Regina, Saskatchewan delighted attendees as the International Guest. Debra Boyer, president of Beta Chapter and Verna LaBounty, state rules committee member enjoyed the workshops, speakers, and entertainment.

State President, Sandra Starr inspired us with her theme, "Strengthen Our Society: Connect!" Zeta and Epsilon Mu Chapters hosted the event.

Jennifer Wallender (at left below) received the Adeline Stevenson Nurse Scholarship from Beta Chapter.

Sandra Starr, Alpha Omicron State President
Dr. Lace Brogden, Northwest Regional Director
Debra Boyer, Beta Chapter President
Debbie shows Lace how to tie her shawl.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Beta Officers for 2014-2016

Beta Chapter elected 2014-2016 Officers.  Jolyn Krabbenhoft presided at the Ceremony of Installation, and Gerry Flaig led the Delta Kappa Gamma Song. Hostesses Debbie Boyer, Jolene beckman, Donna Terbizan and Verna LaBounty provided treats for the meeting.

Debbie Boyer, President; Jolene Beckman, First Vice-President; Linda Manikowske, Second  Vice-President; Donna Terbizan, Recording Secretary; Ann Braaten, Parliamentarian; not pictured Betty Patterson, Treasurer
Jolyn Krabbenhoft, presider

Gerry Flaig, Music Chair

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

May Meeting

May 3
Saturday at 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School
Officers are hosting.
Cost is $5.00.

Program:  Installation of Officers and Initiation of New Member

April Meeting

The Whys and Whats of Gifted Education

Jolene Beckman-Sternhagen will present a program on the gifted program that she teaches in the West Fargo District.

Meeting Notes:
Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School
Finance Committee is hosting.
Cost $5.00

Saturday, February 22, 2014

March Meeting

March 1, 2014

Saturday. 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School
3420 9th St. W, West Fargo, ND 

Program: Travel to Peru
      Debbie Boyer, Jolyn Krabbenhoft and Ginger Deitz

Cost: $5.00 

Hostess:  Literacy/Scholarship Committees
    Bonnie Gates, Robyn Williams

    Ann Braaten

Invite women teachers to Beta meetings. 
Let them see DKG’s professional support network in action.

Verna’s Viewpoint…

   All of you are probably as tired as I am of being cold. The below zero temps and wind chills have made January and February seem long. The morning paper reminded me that March is often our most wintery month. I didn’t need to hear that.
   The Rules Committee has finished its work. Thank you Jennette, Muriel, and Connie. The Nomination Committee begins their task of seeking leadership for Beta Chapter for the coming biennium.
   This prompts me to consider my reasons for accepting various leadership positions:
   ....flattered to be asked by persons who thought I had talent and ability to offer, opportunities, interest in the work of the committee or office, turn, or good reason why I couldn’t say yes.
   In retrospect, leadership is a challenge and the reward comes from moving the chapter forward and helping members develop and network through programs and projects. I hoped members would be inspired by projects. Chapter business can be dull and routine, but it gives us a solid foundation. Joy comes when members participate enthusiastically.
    Please consider answering the leadership call. Working together Beta members fulfill the goals of DKG and embody the best in the educational profession.

February Meeting Highlights

Sarah Kennedy (right) from Fraser Ltd. described the Stepping
Sarah Kennedy
 Stones Resource Center and its services for homeless 
young people in the F-M community.

Erica Hewitt (below) speaks about her path to teaching as she receives the chapter SEE early educator award. She teaches at Bennett Elementary School.

Verna LaBounty and Mari Borr were hostesses for the meeting.
Muriel Brown and Jennette Dittman

Debbie Boyer, Erica Hewitt, and Jolyn Krabbenhoft

Friday, January 24, 2014

February Meeting

February 1, 2014

Saturday. 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School
3420 9th St. W, West Fargo, ND 

Program: Homeless Teens in the Community & How to Help Them - Chris Johnson of Stepping Stones, Fraser Ltd

Cost: $5.00 

Hostess:  Communication Com.
    Mari Borr
    Verna LaBounty

Verna’s Viewpoint…

In November, I welcomed Alpha Omicron State president Sandy Starr to our meeting.  She reminded us to recruit, retain, and reinstate to build our membership. Any month, any meeting is the right time to invite women educators to join us at our meeting. 

Ruth Hoglund shared a letter from International congratulating her on her 50 year membership. I salute her dedication to the Society; she’s a terrific role model for all of us.

Beta begins the second half of our year with a lineup of terrific programs. Thank you, Debbie Boyer, for your work. I look forward to initiating new members and installing new chapter leadership. An exercise in leadership traits in women will show characteristics both unique and common to each woman. DKG members are leaders. Thank you to the Rules Committee (Jennette, Muriel and Connie) for revising our chapter rules. The revision is being submitted to the state committee for approval.

Let’s renew our fellowship at the Februrary meeting.

Ruth Hoglund Honored

Congratulations Ruth!

Alpha Omicron President Sandra Starr is pictured with Ruth Hoglund who celebrated 50 years as a DKG member. She received a letter of from International citing her dedication to the Society. To honor her membership she made a contribution to the Kegel Music Fund.

Fleece Blanket Making Project a Success

At the November meeting, members wielded scissors and honed knotting skills to turn out 17 blankets for the YWCA Women's Shelter. State President Sandra Starr participated in the project.