Friday, April 24, 2015

May Meeting

May 2
9:30 a.m.
NDSU Family Life Center - Room 415A

Program: Master's Degree in Merchandising by Linda Manikowske

Hostesses: Connie Knain, Karen Foss, Jan Flack, Jennette Dittman

Book Sale: Members can bring any number of paperback or hardcover books and buy books for $1.00 each. Proceeds go to World Fellowship.


Parking at NDSU will be available in front of the building on Centennial Avenue or in the CF lot.  No permits are needed on Saturday. Linda Manikowske will arrange for Family Life Center Doors doors to be open.

April Meeting Featured Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs of the Red River Valley - READ (Reading Education Assistance Dogs

The purpose of this group is to improve literacy skills of children. Owners have undergone extensive training with their dogs and take them to classrooms and libraries for reading time with children. Mary Brinkmann (left) presented basic information about the group, training, and activities. Christie Lindemann (third from left) is the site coordinator. Each of the women shared their personal experiences of interaction with children.