Friday, January 24, 2014

February Meeting

February 1, 2014

Saturday. 9:30 a.m.
Aurora Elementary School
3420 9th St. W, West Fargo, ND 

Program: Homeless Teens in the Community & How to Help Them - Chris Johnson of Stepping Stones, Fraser Ltd

Cost: $5.00 

Hostess:  Communication Com.
    Mari Borr
    Verna LaBounty

Verna’s Viewpoint…

In November, I welcomed Alpha Omicron State president Sandy Starr to our meeting.  She reminded us to recruit, retain, and reinstate to build our membership. Any month, any meeting is the right time to invite women educators to join us at our meeting. 

Ruth Hoglund shared a letter from International congratulating her on her 50 year membership. I salute her dedication to the Society; she’s a terrific role model for all of us.

Beta begins the second half of our year with a lineup of terrific programs. Thank you, Debbie Boyer, for your work. I look forward to initiating new members and installing new chapter leadership. An exercise in leadership traits in women will show characteristics both unique and common to each woman. DKG members are leaders. Thank you to the Rules Committee (Jennette, Muriel and Connie) for revising our chapter rules. The revision is being submitted to the state committee for approval.

Let’s renew our fellowship at the Februrary meeting.

Ruth Hoglund Honored

Congratulations Ruth!

Alpha Omicron President Sandra Starr is pictured with Ruth Hoglund who celebrated 50 years as a DKG member. She received a letter of from International citing her dedication to the Society. To honor her membership she made a contribution to the Kegel Music Fund.

Fleece Blanket Making Project a Success

At the November meeting, members wielded scissors and honed knotting skills to turn out 17 blankets for the YWCA Women's Shelter. State President Sandra Starr participated in the project.